It is designed as a supplement to other graphing environments. However, as a result of positive feed-back, I've implemented a QuickPlot graph. It's not flash but it will give the user a quick quide to the results of the calculations. Basically, the limits for the axes are about 10% bigger(smaller) than the largest(smallest) x and y values. The plot is designed so that you can see the effects of weighting which other graphing programmes will not give. Please remember that if you copy and paste the weighted results back into another graphing environment, then the results don't exactly reflect the other graphing programmes simple regression plot§wever an accurate record can be obtained by printing the graph from LR. As an aside it is pleasantly surprising to see how effectively weighting works. Essentially, outliers with large errors are given less credance in evaluating the slope and intercept. QuickPlot will show the results of this weighting of the data via the menu command or clicking on the Plot icon in the main data window.